Local Community
This project, now in it’s 60th year, provides a lunch and party for elderly people (over 65) with a much-needed rest bite on Christmas Day, when many of our guests would otherwise be alone. This event was cancelled for two years during the pandemic of 2020/2021, much to the disappointment of our guests, even though we were able to distribute gift vouchers for a choice of food from the local supermarket.
Each year we provide a traditional Christmas lunch and tea in a congenial and fun atmosphere, with a professional entertainer, including a bingo session, carol singing and dancing with prizes. Each guest is given a goody bag as a gift to take home. All this happens with an army of volunteers from the local area, as well as Rotarians from Wandsworth and South West London Rotary Clubs.
60 years ago, when the project started in a small church hall with around 50 guests there was a real social need to support the poor and often destitute people of the area. Over the years this project has grown into a party for 400, but even today we see many poor elderly people destined to spend the Christmas period alone, without a hot meal, and often living in homes they are unwilling or unable to heat.
Each year the feedback we get from our guests (and the local media) ensures us that - through this project we are able impart goodwill in our community, and enhance the wellbeing and health of our guests. Many look forward to this day year after year.
The venue is a large marquee in Battersea Park donated by Smart Group (they use the venue for corporate events during December and allow us to use, free of charge, for four days over the Christmas period). Local Rotarians and others are part of the Rotary Christmas Day committee and meet throughout the year to plan the event and fund raise.
The purpose of this Christmas Day event has always been to provide support for elderly citizens at a time of year when they are left alone in their homes or sheltered housing. Some care homes to not have a Christmas Day lunch/social event. We give our guests a happy, cheerful day, which they really look forward to.
If you would like to volunteer next Christmas Day, please get in touch.